restore error

Hi. When I try to restore a configuration, I get the following error: Reply-Message := "ERROR: Authentication failed (and other possible unknown errors)" Any ideas?


  • Are you restoring on the same version of multiotp ? Did you use the same password for export and import ? Can you please try with a simple password like abcd1234 during export and import ? Have a nice day
  • Also make sure that you have write rights in the different folders of multiOTP
  • same versions same folder tried many passwords
  • i can restore same backup in web gui, problem is only in command line
  • please give us the command line used for backup and the one used for the restore as well as the version of the library. Thanks
  • multiotp -backup-config 1234 multiotp -restore-config 1234 multiotp
  • edited August 2018
    Hello Sergey, The command line -restore-config has been fixed in the version of multiOTP open source ( Thanks to try it and to keep us in touch. Regards, Andre
  • Hello Sergey,
    The command line -restore-config has been fixed in the version of multiOTP open source (
    Please check it on your side and close this issue if it is resolved.
    Thanks a lot for your feedback. If you want to continue to support our work with a small donation, have a look at the Wiki homepage, we provide a link to our Paypal account.
  • Hello, we are closing this case. If you still have error, please open a new case. Have a great day
This discussion has been closed.