FreeRadius and SMS (how it works without challenge-response)
by entering sms as the otp password, radius should identify this as a SMS request and multiotp schould send an SMS. However, current setup is not challenge-response enabled. Anyone got it working?
Currently, the challenge-response is not implemented, as a lot of SOHO firewalls doesn't support challenge-response.
Currently, FreeRADIUS receives the request (with 'SMS' password) and ask multiOTP to authenticate the request. multiOTP refuse the authentication BUT send an OTP SMS to the user.
And for the second attempt (with the OTP password), FreeRADIUS receives the request (with the OTP password) and ask multiOTP to authenticate the OTP password.
Challenge-response feature will be supported in the futur (with a backward compatibility for non challenge-response supported firewalls).
The reference implementation plateform will be the open source firewall pfSense (