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- YannJ
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Hello, this feature is not actually on our roadmap. Best regards
Hello, the change should not have any implications. Best regards
If you do a backup and a restore the QR-code stays the same. Please try it and get back to us. As you are probably using default TOTP software tokens, as long as the appliance clock are in sync on the old and the new server, the QR…
No answer, closing case.
Hello, is it possible to remotly connect to your system on wednesday afternoon at 14h00 swiss time ? Best regards
If you set a group filter (step 13), please make sure the group is located under the Base DN set on step 10.
Hello, Have you checked : https://github.com/multiOTP/multiotp#how-to-configure-multiotp-to-synchronized-the-users-from-an-active-directory- ? Best regards
Hello, yes you can using this command to create your Feitian token: multiotp -import tokens_definition_file [key|pass|key_file] Then this command to list your token multiotp -tokenslist Then this co…
Hello, did you change de security rights in the docker ? Can you please try to create the folder /etc/multiotp/ddns in the docker ? Best regards
Great, thanks for the feedback.
Hello, you can change this in the template.hmtl file. Search for the string "MultiotpQrCodeUserToken" then replace the account value by "MultiotpUserAccount" on each line. Let me know if it works.…
Hello, simply set the prefix pin when you create the user. For example : multiotp -fastcreate john 123456 This will create a user john with prefixpin 123456
In the user file (user.db) the algorith was "TOTP" instead of "totp" (lowercase)
Are you sure you scan the second QR code ? Can you please send me the QRcode ?
Hello, what type of token are you using (TOTP, MOTP, ...) ? Best regards
Can you please send us to support(a)multiotp.net un printscreen of you regsitry settings (HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID{FCEFDFAB-B0A1-4C4D-8B2B-4FF4E0A3D978}). Best regards
Hello, multiOTP doesnt connect to a radius. It's only capable to connect to an LDAP server. What is you intention ? What are you exactly trying to do ? Best regards.
Hello, the new version has been published and the bug has been corrected. Best regards
Hello, have you tried this :smile: CONFIGURING MULTIOTP WITH TEKRADIUS OR TEKRADIUS LT UNDER WINDOWS TekRADIUS supports a Default Username to be used when a matching user profile cannot be found for an inco…
Hello, we did not recieve the information. Did you send them ?
Hello, can you please send us the information support@multiotp.net Best regards
Yes, it's because the first text displayed is the content of the read-me file. The download link is at the bottom of the page. Can you please check. Have a nice day.
Hello, the new version of Credential Provider has been published. Can you please give it a try ? Regards.
Hello, no there is no way to resync all users automatically. You could increase the validity of the "Time window" for a few days/weeks then once every user has been able to log in, change it back to it's original v…
Hello, we are not able to test eDirectory since there is no free version. Are you able to create a test infrastructure and to open it for us in order to make some tests ? Regards
Great, we will implement that in the next weeks.
Hello Andy, can you please confirm that you are using the open source version ? Have a nice day Yann
Hello, in order to do that, you can use any standard centos radius credential provider.